Friday, 30 March 2018

Cheers to the new era.

Trapped to your bed with your white cushion,
Tear-soaked pillow ; earphones playing xxxTentacion.
It's 3 am, and everyone else and she is currently sleeping.
"I can't sleep", Halogen lights still on, insomnia in you currently creeping.
7.2 Billion pair of eyes ;
14.4 Billion pair of lies.
7.2 Billion beautiful faces ;
Infinite ugly masks the human race chases.
Truth out all open does not seem valid today,
Multiple obstacles strangling billions on one single day.
So many remembering worthy histories are made,
Trillion tragical dates remembered unfaded.
Trillions of sperms, one single winner,
One trustworthy samaritan ; Billions are left sinners.
For you become that one, you become the Sacred Angel.
Drops make an ocean, your single speciality will make the earth, as a whole, special.

~ Cheers to your birth.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018


NOTE : Please read this in Elliot Alderson's voice.

You, are a REBEL, I see.
A person who holds his/her own set of rules,
Rolls on the grass, like a young off-spring, being wild and free.

According to you, truth is no longer appreciated,
And the guilty roams all cool;
But little you do know that it's all in your head,
Your demons got this in you created.

You say the truthful gets hurt,
And the masked gets it all.
So you put on the fsociety mask, brace up on your distressed jacket,
And totally swear on oath to give up on the society spurt.

But hey, you, rebellious anon.
Can you change on the fact, that,
In the books, evil will never become the key,
And the truthful will never not be the bad?

Question your emotions.

Yes, they find the truth ugly,
But your heart always wants to marry the truth.
Your justice is always behind the bars;
But your intentions would always buy it in a loot.

They call you boring because you know how to refuse.
Because it's your google brain who knows, if you feel hungry,
They won't even buy you a penny worth of fruit.

So anon, yes, the guilty does roam free.
But in the end his heart will still be in the debt of guilt.
His heart knows so bad it wants itself to cleanse and heal.
For what a golden hut it was, to what his intentions have a corrupt tower built.

The guilty let's its demons take over them.

And somehow, you seem to be doing the same.

Erm, do you really want to be one of them anon?

~ Fsociety.